When you are ready to send the revised text to your editor, check that you have included:
- abstract and keywords (in the article document)
- images plus captions and sources (in the article document)
- author bio (as separate document)
- author license (as separate document)
For authors
Authors who have been invited to publish their article (either through acceptance of an initial submission or through invitation to participate in a special issue) can find the necessary documents for the first complete submission on this page. Note that initial submissions in response to the call for papers (deadline in January) do not have to follow these instructions!
Please read the stylesheet carefully, both before you start working on revising your text and after you've finished and are polishing the text. For publication, we require that all instructions in the stylesheet are followed as completely as possible. Please also fill in the author license (see stylesheet for info). The format template is included to illustrate the instructions in the stylesheet. You can also use it as template for your article directly, by replacing the text with your own.​​